b'did attending a support group. Later, Jim gave mobility and progressive disability. Jim closedpresentationsabouthisexperienceatMS that column with these reections: events and on the MS Focus at Sea cruise.Asking for help has never been easy for me.ButJimsgreatestinuenceontheMS I know I need to swallow that male ego, becausecommunity was through his column in MS I cant do everything alone. Ive arranged forFocus Magazine. Jim wrote openly about the someone to come to my home once a week toways MS aected his life and changed his doheavycleaningandlaundry.Someoneview of manhood and fatherhood. He was else will come ve days a week to help withhonest about how dicult it was to give up cooking, grocery shopping, and activities ofthe small things that he considered part of daily living. The house is clean, the refrigeratorbeing a mansuch as mowing the lawn or is stocked, and Im eating well. So, physicallycoaching Little Leagueand the bigger things, Im okay.like his role as primary provider. He was Emotional adjustment is a whole other balluninching in describing the ways that MS game. Some days Im at-out furious withaected his body, unashamed to discuss topics the hand life has dealt me. But faith is afrom depression to urinary frequency.Most powerful asset, and I lean on it daily. My chairof all, he was unceasing in describing his love athomeissurroundedwithpicturesofand gratitude for his beloved wife, Barbara, Barbara. I talk to her when things are toughand his wonderful children, Kathryn, Jennifer, It isnt easy, but Im adjusting.and James.Jims blunt honesty about loss and love,In his rst column following the unexpected struggle and adjustment touched the heartsdeath of his wife of 27 years, Jim wrote about of his readers, and all of us here at MS Focus.taking his son to his induction at the U.S. His realistic yet positive attitude motivatedNaval Academy. James was following in his us. His will to carry on in the face of adversityfathers footsteps and Jim could not have been inspired us.more proud. He wrote about the planning it We miss you, Jim. It isnt easy, but weretook to travel from South Florida to Annapolis adjusting.in a wheelchair, and being accompanied bytwin daughters, Jenn and Kate, who wouldsoon return to college. This would result inJim living alone for the rst time, with limited49 msfocusmagazine.org'