b'Five Tips for Minimizing Fatigue #1: Any medication used to treat fatigue crosses the blood-brain barrier and has the potentialto have the opposite eect (i.e., cause drowsiness and worsen fatigue). Likewise, anymedication used to treat insomnia has the potential to cause the opposite eect (i.e., bestimulating and worsen insomnia). Patients should communicate with their healthcareproviders if they think their medications are causing the opposite eect.#2: Avoid simultaneously taking medications in the morning for energy and medicationsat night for sleep. Medications used for sleep commonly give patients a hangover eectin the morning and this can cause or worse symptoms of fatigue. #3: Finding the best medication for fatigue could involve trial and error. It is not uncommonfor patients to have to try several medications before they nd the one that works forthem. In other scenarios, patients sometimes have to change medications, if one stopsworking for them.#4: While exercise is very beneficial, patients with MS should avoid overexertingthemselves. It is generally best to stop exercising before you are exhausted. Physicaltherapists can help patients come up with exercise regimens that are best for them.#5: Sometimes medications are not the answer. For example, in summer months, when itis extremely hot, avoid the heat.Put a spring in yourstep with the HFAD!The HFAD is amazing. My footis able to lift off the ground and I am HFAD (Hip Flexion Assist Device) is intended for individuals with able to walk with much more Multiple Sclerosis who are currently ambulatory, but have difculty stability and endurance than I initiating swing due to hip exor weakness. The HFAD is designed have in the past two years. to improve gait and consists of a comfortable waist band and two Alina M. Willing dynamic tension bands that attach to the shoe. The device may be worn over or under clothing and should only be used under the direction of a physical therapist or orthotist.To purchase the HFAD, a physicians prescription is required for both the HFAD and Gait Training.For more information, please visit Brphfad.com, or call 888-344-0450 to speak with one of ourcustomer service representatives.p: 888.344.0450f: 248.588.5351Scan the QR CodeR E H A B I L I T A T I O N P R O D U C T S Brphfad.com to view an informativevideo on the HFAD65 msfocusmagazine.org'