b'First Line Technology is also a favorite, but it house and melted into a puddle. But whatis pricey. you might not know is that after exhaustivePrecoolandpostcool. Putonacooling analysis from a colossally bored engineer, itvest or other cooling aids fifteen minutes wascalculatedthatitwouldhavetakenbefore your activity. Even smarter: drink Frosty several hours longer to perish than itsomething icy or slushy, before, during, and was depicted in the cartoon after taking intoaccount his snow mass and the amount ofafter as wellit can raise the exercise output BTUs required to render him into liquid H 2 O.by up to 30 percent. Research also has found ThisisavaluablelessonforMSers.Withthat taking aspirin before exercise may help proper precautions, youll last longer in thetame rising body temperature in MSers, but heat, too. And if you do blow yourself up, resttalk to your doctor as regular aspirin use can be assured that, like Frosty, youll rise again.problematic. And cooling after your outdooradventures can help alleviate heat-induced Hope to see you at www.ActiveMSers.orgMS symptoms quicker. soon. Please consider joining our little gangDo activities in pulses. This is particularly of optimistic misfits. In the meantime, beeffective when exercising, which revs up active, stay t, and keep exploring!internal body temperatures. Instead of crankingfor 30 consecutive minutes, break it up, allowing The Multiple Sclerosis Foundations coolingyour body to cool in between intervals of hard programoersavarietyofitems,freeofexercise. The health benet is the same. Of charge for those who qualify, that will helpcoursesometimesthisisntpractical,like you stay cool in the heat. Available itemswatching a little league baseball game on a include cooling vests, neck wraps, wristbands,steamy Saturday afternoon, but escaping to the and hats. The cooling program cycle begancar for a quick blast of A/C is a nice refresher. on February 1 and continues through June 1.Watch your time of day. Early mornings or Visit: msfocus.org/Get-Help/MSF-Programs-early evenings are a great time to get outdoors Grants/Cooling-Program.as the sun and heat are less intense. Shadehelps at other times. A sun-protective umbrellacan assist with those mid-day rays, shaving oa few degrees more than a standard umbrella.(And yes, Ive reviewed those, too.)Get into air-conditioning. Lets face it, somedays are just too dang hot and humid to beoutdoorsforanylengthoftime.Use yourbrain cells wisely and hit a climate-controlledgym or a movie theater until Mother Naturecooperates.MostofusMSerscanrelatetowhenFrosty the Snowman got locked in a green-33 msfocusmagazine.org'