b'MS Focus ActivitiesWhat was the most rewarding partof this experience?People came up to me and were extremelyappreciative. They sought me out duringthe event and told me their story. They toldme about their family members with MS.My out-of-state family told me how great Iwas for doing this for my aunt. This is familywho I didnt know knew about the event,even friends of my family. Distant familyreached out and wanted to contribute. Itwas really rewarding that they reached outto me. Im extremely glad that I did it. Imgrateful that I had the means and time todo it and to have it be successful. Im fortunatethat everybody in my life supported me.Want to Plan Your Own Fundraiser?To get help creating your own event to support people with MS,contact the MS Focus Corporate Relations Marketing Coordinator RobBeasley at rbeasley@msfocus.org or call 800-225-6495.msfocusmagazine.org 42'