b"about how she started using sippy cups is the power of getting together with othersbecause she kept dropping glasses. She also who have MS.wouldtakethemtopartieswithherand This was not the only realization that wewould create conversation among partygoers. came to as a group. There were many of usShe was young and recently diagnosed, so who couldnt remember to take our vitaminsthat was how she exed her MS muscleuntil we had already left the house. One personeducating others with sippy cup conversations. suggested that we keep our vitamins in ourIn response to her story, I asked the room if glovebox,sothatwhenweremember,weanyone else had ever used sippy cups. Much have them there. Genius! Something that Ito my surprise, a timid hand started to raise. never would have thought of unless I wasThenafterthat,threeorfourotherhands amongst my MS peers.raised. Not only did this spark a conversation There is strength and unity in sharing ourabout sippy cups and sippy cup options, but experiences together. Your call to action is toalso it was a way to unify others living with seek out these opportunities. MS doesnt meanMS to know that they are not alone.you have to sit in your house alone. MS FocusThink about the woman who was timid probably has an event coming to a place nearaboutraisingherhandtoadmitthatshe you. Who knows? You may even see me there.used sippy cups. Once she did and realized Go for the herb-roasted chicken and leaveothers with MS did the same thing, she no withanewfriendinyourareaandthelonger had to feel afraid to admit she uses knowledge that you are not the only one withdevices to manage her MS symptoms. This sippy cups in your cabinets.What do you want your doctor to knowabout your MS? Delisha Brown: I would say that since I've started a new treatment, Tysabri, I have been more energeticand can do more things that I haven't done in a while. Roxann Parson: Unlike many with MS, I do not feel pain. My body is generally numb, which is a bitdangerous because I do not realize how bad an injury may be or if I cut myself shaving. People oftenthinking I am perfectly ne and that all I need is a leg brace to be normal because I do not complaintoo often. I am a ghter on many things, but my hardest to ght is closed-minded society that feels theyknow everything because they knew one person who had MS. Facebook Feedback is your chance to share your experiences related to topics covered in theMS Focus Magazine. Like our Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation andwatch for our next Facebook Feedback post.Request to join our Facebook group at Facebook.com/groups/msfocus.35 msfocusmagazine.org"