b'Access to Aordable Access toQuality Health Coverage MS MedicationsProtect people Help people with MSwith MS from get the proper medicationsurprise medical bills that they need.Why? Why?Unexpected bills from People who take MSout-of-network providers medications take it to slow thecost thousands and cause progression the disease. The wrongnancial hardship and stress medication could bring about relapse orfurther disease progression How Howto toFix FixAsk for patients to pay what Remove barriers to bringthey would have paid at an in-network more generic medications to thefacility when they were treated by an market through CREATES Act, Allowout-of-network provider or taken to an doctors to prescribe the right medicationout-of-network emergency room. the rst time instead of having to fail amedication rst.Photos from left to right:Left Florida delegation at Capitol Hill.Center U.S. Rep. Greg Steube,Brian Rippett representing National MS Society,Marianly H. Primmer from MS Focus.Right Florida delegates with Congresswoman KathyCastors legislative sta.47 msfocusmagazine.org'