b'ContributorsMarissa A. Barrera, Ph.D., MSCS, CCC-SLP is an internationally recognizedmedical speech-language pathologist and multiple sclerosis certified specialist.She is a leading expert on the use of modalities for speech and swallowingrehabilitation. Dr. Barrera is the founder and owner of New York NeurogenicSpeech-Language Pathology, and provides therapy through telehealth as well asin New York City.Dave Bexeld is the founder of activemsers.org, a website designed to help, motivate,and inspire those with multiple sclerosis to stay as active as possible. Establishedwhen Dave was diagnosed in 2006, ActiveMSers has helped countless people patients, caregivers, and medical professionalsthrough its encouraging website,blog, Twitter feed, Facebook page, Instagram pics, YouTube videos, and discussionforum. Dave is an Albuquerque, N.M., resident and longtime professional writer. Cherie Binns has been a registered MattCavallo isapatientnurse since 1973. Diagnosed with experience thought leader whoMS in 1994, she received MSCN has been a keynote speaker forcertification nine years later. Cherie healthcare events across thehas operated a home-based patient country. He provides exclusiveadvocacy business helping people identify the content for the MS Focus Magazine website.questions to ask their healthcare team.June Halper a certied adult nurse practitioner who has specialized in multiplesclerosis since 1978. She was a founder of the Gimbel MS Center in Teaneck, N.J.,and was the executive director until 2008. June was president of the Consortiumof Multiple Sclerosis Centers from 1995-1997 and has been the executivedirector since 1992.Megan Weigel is an advanced registered nurse practitioner specializing in thecare of MS patients. She received her doctor of nursing practice degree from theUniversity of Florida in Gainesville, Fla., where her research focus was preventivehealthcare in MS patients. She is an active speaker in the region, both topatients and healthcare providers, on topics related to the care of people livingwith MS. BenThroweristhemedical Ellen Whipple has been a medicaldirector of the Andrew C. Carlos advisor with MS Focus sinceMS Institute at Shepherd Center 2002. She is a clinical pharmacistinAtlanta,andthesenior employedwithinmedicalmedical advisor for MS Focus. affairs, as a director of medicalHe is also a clinical instructor of communications, and a clinicalneurology at Emory University and participates assistantprofessorwiththeUniversityofactively in clinical research.Georgia College of Pharmacy.msfocusmagazine.org 4'