b'Recent Cooling Program Recipients:CoreyGlencoe, Ala.Being a Ph.D. student at the University of Alabama at Birminghamrequires me to be mobile on campus. The intolerance to heat is the largestcontributor to my MS-related fatigue. My neurologist suggested that Iapply to the Cooling Program through MS Focus. The application waseasy to navigate, everyone involved was knowledgeable and helpful, therewere multiple cooling vests to choose from, and I received my coolingvest in less than a week. Now I can be mobile on campus and stay coolwith the help of the MS Focus and their support of patients with MS.LikitaLa Vergne, Tenn.I was diagnosed with MS in January 2018. For years I have struggledwith being sensitive to heat and profuse sweating and wasnt sure of whatwas going on until my neurologist advised me that people with MS havean intolerance to heat that makes symptoms worse. So, I needed to try tostay cool. I saw cooling products in the MS Focus Magazine, so I requestedthem in hopes that they will ease my symptoms and I will be able to enjoybeing outside without worrying about the heat or sweating that restrictsme from doing normal activities.IsabellaAtlantaI was a very active person before I was diagnosed with relapsing MSin 2017. Ive had to modify activities that involve being outside in theGeorgia heat since my diagnosis, which is why I applied for the MS Focuscooling program. I am hoping my cooling vest will allow me to resumehiking and being active during summer months!What do you want your doctor to knowabout your MS? Carol Roach: Its a never-ending-rickety-rollercoaster-ride! Susanna Barnes: Listen more. We know you are super smart and you know more, but you shouldreally listen.29 msfocusmagazine.org'