b'Life with MSMMSSaannddtthheePPoowweerrooffUUnniittyyThis is the power of getting together with others who have MSBy Matt CavalloI recently took the stage at an MS Focus When I introduced myself, the butteriesNational MS Education and Awareness Month ew away and I began my talk. As I spoke, theevent. As I was being micd up, I looked out sounds of forks on plates, started to fade. Theinto the audience. People in attendance were audience turned their attention to my story.young and old, male and female, all unied During the next hour, the audience laughedfor one cause, to learn more about this at some of my more comical MS experiencesdevastating disease.and were moved to tears at others. When IThe waitsta was busy bringing out the ended, no one left. Rather, it was their turn tosalad course, then the herb-roasted chicken share.with seasonal vegetables as I was preparing to Some would call it a question-and-answerstart my talk. The sound of casual conversation, session, but that is not what happened here.laughter, forks on plates, and pitchers being Here people share their experience and Ipoured resonated throughout the room. I sat facilitate. We talked as a group about diet,in quiet anticipation of hearing my name called exercise, and common topics. We talked aboutto the stage. uncommon topics like a preference for plasticIhavesharedmyMSexperiencewith cups because they dont break when you drophundreds of crowds all over the world, but them. Thats how the magic happens.before I go out each time, I am overcome I said something to the eect that I usewiththebutteries.Thesetalksmeanso large plastic cups, much to my wifes chagrin.much to me and this night was going to be We have nice Crate and Barrel glasses, but Ispecial. Finally, my name was called and I use plastic ones because Im afraid that Illwalked out onto the stage. drop them. Then, a fellow MSer shared a storymsfocusmagazine.org 34'