b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving Back:Flex Your MS MuscleFitness ChallengeMichael Katz says he tries to do somethingnice for others every day: It doesnt cost meanything. He has also made it a point to giveon a larger scale. Sometimes he volunteers histime or makes nancial donations. This timehe chose MS Focus: the Multiple SclerosisFoundation and put on a full scale, two-dayevent. He used the Foundations theme for theNational MS Education and Awareness Monthcampaign Flex Your MS Muscle for his event. my heart to gure out who to help this year.He is a tness professional and he organized My aunt Debbie ended up passing away fromthe Flex Your MS Muscle Fitness Challenge in complications of multiple sclerosis a fewDelray Beach, Fla. Michael reached out to local months ago. What better cause to apply myselfbusinesses for support. Participants gathered to than this? My aunt was able to use ansponsors,competed,attendedasocial automatic wheelchair and a lift to get in her car.where they bid on items in a silent auctionI know that shes had that help that made herand went back the next day for a bonus boot life a little more comfortable. I know that if Icamp with prizes. The event raised more than can give to your organization, it helps people$6,300 for people with MS. We asked him be self-sufficient. I wanted to give to anhow he did it.organization like MS Focus that helps peopleWhat inspired you to help people with MS? directly. I always say, try to use your adversity to your What inspired you to hold this event?advantage and to help others. I have gone My company, PrLife Fitnesss hashtag isthrough a number of dierent hardships in #PassionForLife. They encourage people tomy life, but nothing really compares to what get out in their community. PrLife challengedother people in the world are going through, me to see what is important for myself. I canso that puts it into perspective. A lot people use my skills to help others. Im a fitnessgo through things that are much worse than professional and I have a good network ofme so I want to do my part to help others. Each people around me so I knew that I had the toolsyear I try to volunteer or donate at least once to do something better. I also wanted to raiseper year for people in need. I was searching peoples awareness about multiple sclerosis.msfocusmagazine.org 40'