b'MS Focus ActivitiesStaying Cool regularlyreportedsymptomsthatworsenwith overheating are fatigue, weakness, andspasticity, but cognitive impairment andvision issues are not uncommon. It is important to note that a persons heatlimit doesnt have to be that record-high day.Being in the sun on a 70 degree day might bein the allittakesforsomepeopletoexperienceoverheating and a symptom are-up. For others,they may feel ne until the temperature getsinto the 90s. For one person, it may take aSummer Months fewminutestostartfeelingtheeectsofoverheating, while someone else might onlyIf you spent any time outside last summer, experience issues halfway through some sortyou probably noticed that it was very, very of activity. Everyones threshold and tolerancehot. According to the National Oceanic and will be dierent.Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The If you suer from heat sensitivity, you areSummer of 2018 ranked as the fourth hottest often faced with the choices of either stayingsummer on record for the contiguous United inside or severely limiting your time outside.Statesafterthreemonthsofblistering When dealing with extreme heat, it is oftentemperatures. NOAA also reported that states better for everyone to stay indoors, but whatacross the country faced record-high overnight about those warm days where it would betemperatures, which meant that people hoping nice to barbecue with friends? Or when yourfor cooler evenings or mornings were often child has a baseball game but the temperatureout of luck. When the summer months nally is a bit past your usual heat threshold? Orended, NOAAs data showed that, Twenty-three states across the West, South, and what if you plan to run errands in the morningNortheast had much-above-average summer to stay cool only for the heat to already betemperatures. higher than expected?For the average person, a record-high heat Seventeen years ago, MS Focus created awave might mean packing a few extra water CoolingProgramtohelpcombatheatbottles,usingahighSPFsunscreen,and intolerance so that no one with MS has tosporting a hat when they head outside. For avoid barbecues, baseball games, or ordinarypeople with MS, though, the heat not only daily activities when the heat rises. Theposes those traditional problems, but it can seasonal program, which runs from Februaryalso create quite a few more. Up to 80 per- until June, supplies cooling items, such ascent of people with MS face some degree of neck wraps, hats, and vests, so that peopleheat sensitivity, which can lead to symptom with MS can enjoy the summer months withare-ups due to overheating. Some of the more one less thing to worry about.The MS Focus Cooling Program is open now. Applications are accepted through June 1.To apply, visit www.msfocus.org/GetHelp or call our Toll-Free Support Line at 888-673-6287.msfocusmagazine.org 28'