b'Life with MSBy Laura Jermyn As a child, and into my teenage years, I that my medical results were improving. Ispent every moment engrossed in playing dont specically recall how or why, but duringsportstrack and eld, volleyball, aerobics, one of the countless laps that I was pushedbasketball, and even a competitive bowling in my wheelchair around the track, my tearsleague. I was the captain, best player, and and depressed self-deprivations were mutedteam leader. by an overwhelming voice responding to myBefore my junior year of high school, as alas, why me? feelings with a resoundingAugustthe dreaded last month of summer why not you?breakwas far too quickly ending, I awoke With aggressive self-determination andto a feeling of my legs being asleep. Within supportive doctors, I eventually regained mythe next couple days I lost my sight and my sight and ability to walk. I went on to completeability to walk because of severe weakness. I my undergraduate college degree and lawwas extremely dizzy, and too weak to want to school. I practiced law for approximately 20do anything but lie down. I was immediately years. Today, I operate a natural beautytaken to countless doctors in hopes of receiving company. a medical diagnosis. After nearly a month inthe hospital, and countless medical tests and All individuals with MS have the ability toprocedures, a neurologist informed me, my search within themselves to nd, and activate,family, and my friends that I have multiple their motivation switch. Each day I am facedsclerosis.with fatigue, dizziness, pain, and tiredness.Twenty-some years ago, a multiple sclerosis Every day I dare to livebecause who reallydiagnosis felt like receiving a death sentence cares why?verdict. At that time, the available disease- At the present time, there are a few daysmodifying therapies, scientic knowledge, and that I am too weak to do anything but lie down.medical research regarding MS was grossly However, a majority of my days, although Ilimited.Withinsecondsofreceivingmy feel tired, I strive to live fully with MS. While mymultiple sclerosis diagnosis, my dreams of life today may be nothing like what I envisioned,college basketball, a career as an attorney, and, or dreamt of, it is enjoyable and meaningful.most certainly, dreams of self-suciency ended. I urge all persons aected by multiple sclerosisWith each administration of a Solumedrol to embrace your disease and honestly assessdosage with a tapering dose of oral prednisone, your new abilities now and make now goalsmy treating physicians proudly informed me based upon your present health. msfocusmagazine.org 52'