b'Why did you choose this type of event? of different companies. I went to healthyI felt like having a blend of both involvement restaurants and establishments that werefrom people who were at the event and also associated with health and wellness, massage,others who got involved by sponsoring people physical therapy, yoga studios, juice bars. Iat the event. Being a personal trainer, I wanted did the social media marketing. Im a shyto use my toolbox and leverage that into the person when it comes to asking for help. I putevent. It was in my wheelhouse. I felt that it out on Facebook and let it happen organically.working to my strengths would be a great My out-of-state family found out without mebenet to the organization.telling them. What elements of the event were the most What did you learn in the process of creatingchallenging? this event?The silent auction social. I had to organize Focus on the things that matter and dontthe food. I couldnt tell the restaurant how much worry about the details. Make sure you havefood to make. I also had to go to each business the main things in place, volunteers and thethat was participating to pick the item. There participants. Dont worry about the details ofwere drinks, food and wine. I kept the food costs, the yer. Focus on the main things rst andand T-shirts less than about $550. I didnt everything else will come together. know how many Flex Your MS Muscle shirts What would you tell others about yourto make. I had to prepare and be proactive. experience?PrGreens Restaurant in Delray was also very I learned that people do want to help andaccommodating in helping me keep the costs want to be part of something. A lot of times,low for the social. you dont want to ask people to get involved.How did you reach out to the people involved? There are a lot of people out there who wantI went to them. I cold-called people. I walked up to do something good. They dont have theand down the street and went to restaurants. means or the idea and then you put theThis was even before I called MS Focus. I just opportunity of something like this in frontput myself out there and spoke to management them and theyll give.41 msfocusmagazine.org'