b'The second big question is how do youRecently I nd myself worrying about theprioritizeyourlessimmediatehealthcare future and the unknowns. Does counselingneeds? By less immediate, I mean the burning help people with MS?questions that wake you up in the middle ofWe are thinking about remodeling our home.the night, like how long you will be able to work, when and if you will have memory Would adding parameters for disabilityissues, when and if you will need help with access be a smart move?mobility. It may seem odd that I positionedI have noticed that when I eat certain foods,these questions as second; however, usually I dont feel as well. Can you tell me howthe issue of how to have a conversation with nutrition might benet MS? Should I see ayour provider provokes more anxiety than nutritionist?developing the questions. So, I thought wedWe need some help at home. What are myjust get that out of the way! resources?Following is a list of questions that might No matter where you are living on the MSstimulate your thoughts. Think about these spectrum,atleastoneofthesequestionsas starting points for discussion with your should resonate with you. While these arefamily, support partners, and friends. Prioritize often the exact thoughts that produce worrythe issues as they are most meaningful in andanxiety,gettingthemansweredisanyour life, then take them to your healthcareprovider. easysolutiontocalmingthosedisturbing Do I need a living will or healthcare surrogate? feelings.I encourage you to work out your worriesaboutthesetopicswithyourMSHow do I create one? (By the way, the answer provider in order to improve your sense ofis yes, you should have one, no matter your well-being.age and whether or not you have MS!) Should I let my employer know I have MS?What can I do about this symptom thatsaecting my work? WhatistheFamilyMedicalLeaveAct?Should I have those forms lled out just incase? What about short-term and long-termdisability? I am planning to start a family. What doesthat mean for my MS and for the medicationsthat I take? What happens to MS in pregnancyand after the baby is born? Can I breastfeed? I feel like I am slowing down when I move.Do you think a physical therapy evaluationwould help me? I have noticed that I cant multitask like Iused to. Would neuropsychometric testingbe benecial for me? 11 msfocusmagazine.org'