b'or compared, with anyone elses. There is no primary source of personal interactions. Videosconstantly-growing feed of others posts through maybehowtheyenjoythe wondersofwhich to browse. It is not time-consuming, nature. Streaming may be how they experiencenor does it make frequent demands on your the rapture of music. Online health communitiesattention. It is a tool, similar to a budgeting may be their main source of support andapp or a nutrition journal app, into which you encouragement.simply enter information and are given a What were saying is that how muchresult.technology is too much varies from person toMore generally, we believe that a persons person.Certainlyalltechnologyhasbothlevel of technology use must be tailored to drawbacks and advantages, and each persontheir personal situation. When technology use must evaluate what level of technology use isis interfering with a persons ability to connect right for them. MS Focus does not endorse orwith others or enjoy their surroundings, thats promote any particular software, app, product,harmful. But in some circumstances, ordevice.Butwebelieveinmakingyoutechnology is what allows a person to connect aware of all the tools at your disposal, andwith others. For those individuals who are making our support services accessible toisolated because of disability or other you through whatever method you choose circumstances,socialmediamaybetheir phone, mail, email, web, and social media.Have Your SayWe welcome your questions, suggestions, opinions and feedback.Reach us at editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495, or use the contact form onwww.msfocus.org.MMSSFFOOCCUUSSAATTSSEEAAWill be Sailing toALASKA on MAY 29, 2020Celebrity Cruises 7-Night Alaska Dawes Glacier Cruise on Celebrity SolsticeTO BOOK YOUR CRUISE CONTACT: Elda at: 305-666-1010To participate in the 2020MS Focus educational programyou must book your reservationwith Group Number 7027854If you need an accessible stateroom,book early!msfocusmagazine.org 8'