b'How to Become the LeaderThanks again to the sponsorsof your Healthcare Team,who made our activities possible:Bhupendra O. Khatri, M.D., FAANDirector of the Regional MS Center and the Center for Neurological Disorders, MilwaukeeProgressive MSAaron Boster, M.D. - Board-certied clinical neuroimmunologistspecializing in MSMarch Support Group Meeting Inspires Groupto #FlexMSMuscle At the March meeting of the Multiple Sclerosis Support Group of Grant County, Wis., wewere excited to share the Winter 2019 edition of MS Focus magazine! We noted your sectionRead. Watch. Listen and saw the welldeservedrecommendationforElvira"Ehli" Borgstdt\'s book of poetry, If theDead Could Sing. Ehli passed away Dec.3, 2017, but seeing this article broughtEhli back to our group with goosebumpsandtearsaswetoldstoriesofourfriendship through our support group.Wewereinspiredto#FlexMSMuscleand take a photo including Ehlis bookand your MS Focus article. Membersleft our meeting more energized andinspired. Thank you for letting othersknow about Ehli and her poetry.Sincerely,Kim Martens,Multiple Sclerosis Support Group of (front L to R) Ellen G., Julie M. and Ellen S.,Grant County (MSSGGC)(back L to R) Tammi C., Ann H., and Kim M.25 msfocusmagazine.org'