b'The Warnings: lymphocyte(whitebloodcell)counts;Mavenclad is not recommended for MS lymphocytecountsshouldbemonitoredpatients with clinically isolated syndrome. before, during, and after treatment. MavencladBecause of its safety prole, the use of Mavenclad may increase the risk of infections; healthcareis generally recommended for patients who professionals should screen patients forhave had an inadequate response to, or are infectionsandtreatmentwithMavencladunable to tolerate, an alternate drug indicated should be delayed if necessary. Mavenclad mayfor the treatment of MS. Mavenclad has a boxed cause hematologic toxicity and bone marrowwarning for an increased risk of malignancy suppression so healthcare professionals shouldand fetal harm. Mavenclad is not to be used in measure a patients complete blood countspatients with current malignancy. The drug before, during, and after therapy. The drugshould not be used in pregnant women and has been associated with graft-versus-host-in women and men of reproductive potential diseasefollowingbloodtransfusionswithwho do not plan to use eective contracep- nonirradiated blood. Mavenclad may causetionduringtreatmentandforsixmonths liverinjuryandtreatmentshouldbeinterrupted or discontinued, as appropriate, ifafter the course of therapy because of the clinically signicant liver injury is suspected.potential for fetal harm. Mavenclad should be For more information on Mavenclad, andstopped if the patient becomes pregnant. prescribing information including the boxedOther warnings include the risk of decreased warnings, visit www.mavenclad.com.27 msfocusmagazine.org'