b'Hot TopicsMedicare for All May Come WithUnexpected CostsHave a dialogue with your member of Congress about outcomesBy Cherie BinnsI am hearing more and more talk about (such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis,"Medicare for All." It seems that many people lupus, cancer), all drug treatments availableare under the impression that Medicare is free are in the highest tier of copay, which meanshealthcare, but it is not! Lets clear up how it we pay 40 percent of the cost of the drug. Forworks. some of these medications, that can beAll of us who qualify for Medicare get thousands of dollars out of pocket a month.hospitalization covered at no cost to us, but Clearly, Medicare is not free healthcare. Asnothing else (Medicare Part A). If we decide working adults we pay into Medicare over theto purchase Medicare Part B (at a standard years of our employment, or self-employment,cost of $135.50 a month for 2019), we are by law. We continue to pay premiums for thatgranted access to doctors appointments and care once we qualify for Medicare. On Medicare,labwork,X-raysandMRIs,andrequired my husband and I pay approximately $9,000durable medical equipment at 80 percent of a year in premiums for the two of us, but thatthe costmeaning we are still responsible for is still far easier to manage than the $2,900 a20 percent of the cost. If a doctors visit costs month that we were paying in premiums for$100, we are responsible for paying the doctor private insurance and we are grateful that we$20 of that and Medicare Part B pays the have that care when we need it.other $80.If we want further coverage to pick up that Please have a dialogue with your member20 percent that we are responsible for, we can of Congress about what they are talking aboutbuy a Medicare Advantage or Supplement or what comes to their mind when they hearPlan. That can cost $100 to $200 more a month, Medicare for All. What needs to happen tobut will cover all copays for doctor, lab, X-ray, make this level of care available to all? Whatand durable medical equipment. But wait, these will it cost us out of our pockets (in premiumsplans do not cover prescription medications or increased taxes)? We have a little moreunless they are administered while you are than a year and a half before the next electionin a hospital. So we may also choose to buy a to learn aboutand come to understand Medicare Part D plan, which covers part of the issues on the table and need to not relyour medication costs.on emotional pleas and speeches to informus. Please take this time to educate yourselfThe average cost of a Medicare Part D plan on what the terms used will mean for youis $33 a month. However, Medicare Part D and your family, in terms of outcomes andplans work on a tier system to determine how costs, and be an informed voter and activemuch is covered. For many high-cost conditions citizen.57 msfocusmagazine.org'