b'Medicine & ResearchDoctors NotesTheMSNewscolumnincludesanalysisfromBen Thrower, M.D., MS Focus senior medical advisor.Dr. Thrower draws from the top news stories of thequarter and explains what the news means to you,the person with MS.Study explores electrical stimulationStudy: core stability intervention improveson fatigue-induced gait patterns balance in persons with MSA new study assessed the orthotic and A new study compared the immediate andtherapeutic effects of prolonged use of long-term eects of a six-week individualized,functional electrical stimulation on fatigue- group-based, comprehensive core stabilityinduced gait patterns in people with multiple intervention (GroupCoreDIST) with those ofsclerosis. Researchers found that eight weeks standard care on balance and trunk controlof functional electrical stimulation can benet in individuals with MS. Six weeks of Group-thegaitpatternofpeoplewithMSunder CoreDIST improved balance and trunk controlnonfatiguedandfatiguedconditions.The in the short and long terms compared withfindingswerepublishedinthejournal standard care in individuals who wereDisability and Rehabilitation: Assistive ambulant and had MS, and is an eectiveTechnology. contribution to physical therapy. The ndingswere published in the journal Physical Therapy.Dr. Thrower: Studies have shown that most Dr. Thrower: Balance issues represent one thepeople with MS report some degree of walking major causes of impaired walking in peopleimpairment. We have more treatment options with MS. Poor balance can lead to an increasedthan ever to help prevent disability and we risk of falls, avoidance of exercise and socialare moving closer to a day when reversal of activities, orthopedic injuries, deconditioning,disability may be possible. In the meantime, and depression. Poor balance in people withnewer rehabilitation options should not be MS is frequently the result of sensory ataxia.ignored. With functional electrical stimulation Ataxia means that a person walks like theyve(FES) we are helping send signals to muscles had one too many drinks. Sensory ataxiathat may not be getting the needed information results from having poor position sense in thefrom the brain because of MS. There are many lower extremities. People with sensory ataxiaforms of FES out there, including FES bikes tend to walk with their feet further apart andfor upper and lower extremities. Devices, such may use things like people, furniture, walls, oras those from Bioness and WalkAide, are also other assistive devices to help their balance. forms of FES. This study and others show thatFES may oer a needed tool towards improving While we dont have a medication to help thisfunction for those living with MS.symptom, this study shows that rehabilitationmsfocusmagazine.org 58'