b'SpringForwardAlan R. SegaloExecutive DirectorNow, as spring emerges and brings signs What about the future of the MS communityoflifeandgrowth,letstakelookforward. as a whole? In this issue, our senior medicalWhat does the future hold for MS Focus, and advisor, Dr. Ben Thrower, explores the newestfor the MS community?research on stem cell treatment. What does itFor MS Focus and those we serve, the promise for the future? Find the answers onfuture looks bright. Our sta has not missed page 18.a step in this transition period, and Im proud Whatevertreatmentoptionsariseandtosaywecontinuetodeliverthehighest whatever choices about treatment you make,quality of service to our clients. How do we having a clear idea of your care needs andknow? You told us so. In a recent survey, 98.3 theabilitytocommunicatethattoyourpercent of those who have received services healthcare team will denitely improve thefrom MS Focus report that the service they outlook for your health and well-being. In onereceived improved their quality of life, and of this issues feature articles, MS certiedmore than half say the service improved their nurse Megan Weigel explains how to achievequality of life very much. that. Learn more on page 10.But we are not resting on our laurels. No, we As we move into this new season for MScontinue to look for new ways to serve, including Focus, Im condent that were prepared toseveral you will read about in this issue. Were meet the challenges of supporting individualsoering new tools to help children and families with MS and their families. Weve got aofindividualswithMSlearnaboutthe spring in our step and were ready to movecondition and support their loved one. Were forward!also expanding our educational oerings andservicesintheSpanish-speakingMScommunity. C :Coonnttaaccttuussffoorrhheellpp :Phone: 888-MSFocus (673-6287), email: support@msfocus.orgOnline applications: msfocus.org5 msfocusmagazine.org'