b'MS Focus ActivitiesPublic Policy Conference IssuesEach year, MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation joins theNational Multiple Sclerosis Society and other advocates totalk to legislators about issues that affect people with MS.More Funding for MS Research$16 million for the MS $41.6 billion for Reauthorization ofResearch Program (MSRP) at the National Institutes Patient-Centered Outcomesthe Department of Defense of Health Research Institute (PCORI)Why? Why? Why?MSRP The NIH is PCORIfunds help MS the premier medical is a federallyresearch for the research institute in the funded nonprotbenet of service country and its research has that funds studiesmembers, veterans led to many advancements that are guided byand the general in MS detection and patientspublic treatments msfocusmagazine.org 46'