b"Blue Ash, Ohiopresented by Adam Chaifetz, DC, MSCS, program coordinator, ComprehensiveMultiple Sclerosis Center. University of Florida Health System, Department of Neurology.Guests at this program engaged in lively discussion with Dr. Adam Chaifetz. With his uniqueexperience in navigating healthcare, insurance, and social security disability, Dr. Chaifetz wasable to address many of the roadblocks people with MS face and oer practical advice. For example, he said, When switching insurance, check whether your MS treatment iscovered before you select a plan. But what if your insurance is through your spouse or employer,and you dont have a choice in which plan to purchase? That doesn't mean you have to switchtreatments. Ask your doctor's oce to request a formulary exception. Have them write that inbig letters on the top: FORMULARY EXCEPTION. They should explain that you have been takingthis medication and it has been successful for you, and it could cause you harm if you have toswitch. In addition to our sponsors listed at the beginning of this article, this program receivedsupport from Biogen.Melville, N.Y. - presented by Cherie Binns, RN, MSCN, and David BinnsA large, amiable audience lled theballroom at the Hilton in Melville. Thoughthe night was cold, the greetings werewarm among the crowd, as members ofthe Long Island MS Social Night Groupand members of the Wantagh MS SupportGroup met and mingled. Speaker CherieBinns gave this new audience the samegreat presentation shed given in Lexington earlier in the month. It received the sameappreciative response, and many questions too! One question was about products marketedas immune boosters. Exercise caution, Cherie said. With MS, the immune system is overactive, so you dontreally want your immune system boosted. Certain supplements, like echinacea, that boost theimmune system aren't recommended for people with MS. Cheries husband, David, oered a change of pace and spoke about his role as a caregiver;the audience enjoyed both perspectives.San Juan, Puerto Ricopresented by Angel Graciani Germn, MS, PsyD., MT, Mental Healthcounselor and Music Therapy specialistAbout 140 individuals attended thisprogram in San Juan, which was presentedin Spanish. Upon Dr. Gracianis arrival, helled the room with laughter and dance.He led participants in clapping, singing,exercises, and other body movements.23 msfocusmagazine.org"