b'Medicine & ResearchDDeeffiinniinnggtthheeMMSSPPrrooffeessssiioonnaallTTeeaammNeurologistsare physicians who are trained physical function, psychological adjustment,to specialize in diseases of the nervous system communitysupports,andtheneedforand who usually diagnose and treat multiple rehabilitative services. sclerosis. They have expertise in dierentiatingMSfromotherdiseases,determining Physical therapists (PTs) treat problemsappropriate disease-modifying treatments, involving ambulation, balance, coordination,and symptom management. strength, and mobility. They provide servicesand education to strengthen muscles, teach theNursing professionals are registered nurses appropriate use of rehabilitation equipmentwho have had basic nursing education, advance and mobility devices, measure for and applypractice training, or have special expertise in braces and other orthotic supports, and guidemultiple sclerosis. They assist the patient to people to maintain a tness-oriented lifestyle.adjust to their diagnosis, support them as theybegin therapies, and advise them when changes Occupational therapists (OTs) deal withare required throughout the course of the disease. energy conservation issues, activities of dailySocial workersare trained to assist people in living, upper extremity function, sitting balance,identifying and accessing community services wheelchair selection and cushions, and otherprograms, resources, and entitlements. They mobility devices. They are knowledgeable aboutare also trained to provide counseling and aids for daily living, as well as modicationsemotional support, along with crisis intervention. inthehomeenvironmentbathrooms,kitchens,entrances,andstairwaysandPsychologistsare experts in diagnosing and motor vehicles. They also assist people totreating issues related to mental health and remain at work by recommending changescognitive problems. Interventions can include in the work environment. specialized testing and ongoing counselingand support for MS patients and their families. Speech and language pathologists (SLPs)Case managers are usually employed by work with people who are having problemsinsurance carriers to guarantee appropriate withbreathing,swallowing,speech,andservices, assistive devices, and care, as covered cognition. These therapists teach people toby healthcare plans. Case managers are either overcome these decits through exercises,nurses or social workers. technologyaids,andothercompensatorystrategies.Physiatrists are physicians who havespecialized training in rehabilitation medicine. Recreational therapists (RTs) help peopleThey are knowledgeable about physical and with MS nd diverse activities appropriate tooccupational therapy, as well as in the use of their level of functioning and give them aassistive devices to aid physically challenged quality of life beyond the work-a-day world.patients. They perform a comprehensive They help people expand their daily activitiesassessment to ascertain neurologic status, to include creative and enjoyable outlets. msfocusmagazine.org 16'