b'Laura S., living with relapsing MSSay yes to TECFIDERAa pill that can cut MS relapses in half.TECFIDERA is a twice-daily pill proven to work against relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) in 3 important ways. TECFIDERA can:CutDelay SlowRELAPSESPROGRESSION OF DEVELOPMENT O IN HALF OPHYSICAL DISABILIT Y OF BRAIN LESIONSIn a 2-year study, TECFIDERA reduced risk of relapse by 49% compared with placebo.People were also 38% less likely to experience physical disability progression. O OOWhat is TECFIDERA? What are the possible side effects of TECFIDERA? Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate) is a prescriptionTECFIDERA may cause serious side effects including: medicine used to treat people with relapsing forms of Allergic reactionsmultiple sclerosis. PML, which is a rare brain infection that usually Important Safety Information leads to death or severe disability.Do not use TECFIDERA if you have had an allergic Decreases in your white blood cell count. Your reaction (such as welts, hives, swelling of the face, lips,doctor should check your white blood cell count mouth or tongue, or difficulty breathing) to TECFIDERAbefore you take TECFIDERA and from time to time or any of its ingredients. during treatmentBefore taking and while you take TECFIDERA, tell your Liver problems. Your doctor should do blood tests to doctor about any low white blood cell counts orcheck your liver function before you start taking infections or any other medical conditions. TECFIDERA and during treatment if needed.'