b'Hi -The most stringent recommendations II enjoyed the latest issue, as always. I could nd were from the American Heartnoticed one small, but important omission Association. According to their guidelines,from the terric Cucumber Dill Salad recipe: saturated fats should not account for moreIn the Dressing ingredients, it reads "1 (6 oz) than 5 to 6 percent of a persons total caloriecontainer of plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt intake. So for a 2,000 calorie diet, thats about(nondairy or dairy)." 120 calories from saturated fat. Even the SwankDiet, a particularly low-fat diet for people withOmitted was the phrase "nonfat or low-fat!" MS, allows up to 135 calories from saturated fatConsumingsaturatedfatsareterriblefor per day. You can see this is a strict approachpeople living with MS, and should be avoided to saturated fat. by everyone with a beating heart, whether Lets apply the American Heart Associationthey have MS or not. guidelinestotherecipewerediscussing.Hopefully,inthefuture,yourfeatured There are nine calories per gram of fat, and arecipes will consider this when promoting container of full-fat Greek yogurt has roughlyrecipes as "healthy." 3.5 grams of saturated fat. That is 31.5 caloriesBest regards, fromfat. WhenwedividethatbythesixJen Joseph, San Francisco servings the recipe makes, we come down to5.25 calories from saturated fat per serving,Fatigue Free Foodie responds: or less than half of one percent of a personsHi Jen,total calorie intake on a 2000 calorie diet.Well,yougavemesomethingtothink With that considered, I stand by this recipeabout. As a plant-based eater, I dont generally as healthy, whether you use dairy or nondairygive much thought to this subject because yogurt, full fat or no fat. most saturated fats come from animal However, using low-fat or nonfat yogurt isproducts. So I did some research. I looked into a good choice for anyone who may be gettingrecommendationsonsaturatedfatsfrom too much saturated fat in their diet. Its a verytheUSDA,Harvard,theAmericanHeart easy substitution to make that decreases aAssociation, the Swank Diet, and other persons total saturated fat intake. So thankssources. for sharing that suggestion!msfocusmagazine.org 6'