b'Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, Ph.D.By Tony DiGerolamoI have always wanted to work with children and families,specically with those who have a child with a disability, andI knew at an early age I wanted to conduct research to seehow we can best support families.Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence is the associate While symptoms had been mild since herprofessor of Child and Family Studies at Western diagnosis, that all changed after a severeKentucky University where she oversees both relapse in 2015 greatly limited her mobility.the Child Studies Program and the Home Darbi would soon reclaim some of herVisiting Certicate Program. She said, As a independence, but assistance came from anprofessor, I develop courses, teach classes, unexpectedplace,andhappenedtohaveadvise students, and write grants. I also conduct four legs. After some searching, I found theresearch and publish the results. I wear many Indiana Canine Assistant Network. After ahats! lengthy application process, I was eventuallyIn June 2009, after nearly a year of symptoms, matched with Jaeger, a half golden-retriever,Darbi was diagnosed with MS. At the time, MS half black lab mix. He is an absolute gem.was not on my radar and I knew absolutely Jaeger helps Darbi with everything fromnothing about it. The major symptoms that led grocery shopping to distributing papers to hermetomyphysicianwereextraordinary students, but one of his biggest contributionsweakness on one side of the body, major is helping improve Darbis mobility issues.fatigue, and spasms. After what seemed like She explained, Jaeger wears a walkingforever, we found a neurologist who specialized harness that I loosely hold as we move. If Iin MS. He completed an enormous medical start to tremor, or if a tremor causes me to fallhistory, and together we pinpointed that back, I grab the bar on the walking harnesssymptoms had been going on for a few years. and Jaeger counter pulls, helping me retainHowever, things like major fatigue were my balance.always attributed to being a mother, earningmyPh.D,and workinginahigh-stress When I use my cane, I tend to lean on itenvironment. and that is not a good thing! I need to walkmsfocusmagazine.org 30'