b'Symptom ManaGementstimulation. PTNS is an eective treatment urethra. One of the common and eectiveoption for overactive bladder. A small needle, surgeries for SUI is a mid-urethral sling. Thissimilar to an acupuncture needle, is inserted in is a surgical procedure in which a piece ofthe lower leg near the ankle and connected to polypropylene mesh is placed to support thean electrode. The electrical impulses stimulate urethra, thus improving SUI. You need tothe nerves that relax the bladder muscle. The discussthedierentsurgicaloptions withpatient comes to the oce for a series of oce your medical provider to help choose the bestvisits. Sacral Nerve Stimulation involves placing option for you. a battery device under the skin in the upper In summary, urinary problems are commonbuttock, near the spine. This device stimulates in patients with MS and can negatively aectthe bladder nerve and hence improves bladder their quality of life. It may be embarrassingcontrol. This battery device can be programmed but it is very important for patients to discussusing a small, hand-held remote. With recent these problems with an experienced healthcareinnovation, patients have no restriction to provider. The treatment options can be tailoredundergo MRI with the implanted device in to individual patients based on their problems,place.which can improve overall health and qualityRetention and leakage of life. Patients with MS may also experience aninability to empty their bladder duringurination (urinary retention). Urinary retentionaects up to 70 percent of patients with MS.These patients may have to manually drainurinefromthebladder,byperformingintermittent self-catheterization. ISC involvesplacing a small tube (catheter) in the bladderto empty the urine. Patients with urinaryretention are taught by a medical provider on Snap Hookhow to perform the procedure. Performing Premium ZipperISC on a regular basis has shown to improvequality of life in such patients. Condensation Mesh Pocket Easy Glide Webbing & SliderPatientswithMSmayalsoexperience 30 Inch Adjustable Straps (Qty:2) Shoulder Pads/Chair Protectors Multi-Wear D Ringsurine leakage with physical exertion (stressurinary incontinence, SUI). These symptomscanbeimproved withphysicaltherapy,placement of a vaginal pessary, or with surgery.Physical therapy can strengthen and improvepelvic oor muscle control. A pessary, a medical-grade silicone device, can be placed in thevagina by a medical provider and reduce theurinary leakage with stress. Surgery for SUIaddresses the weakened support around themsfocusmagazine.org 10'