b'Symptom ManaGementPPhhyyssiiccaallTThheerraappiissttssccaannhheellppiinnBBllaaddddeerr,,BBoowweellPPrroobblleemmssFinding a PT experienced in retrainingpelvic oor muscles is crucialBy Catherine Williams KramerA persons ability to maintain urinary and In everyday language, this means there isbowel continence significantly affects that a dysfunction in a persons ability to maintainpersons potential to be able to engage in urinary continence because of a dysfunctionactivities outside their home. According to an in the persons physical anatomy. Many of thearticle published in 2019 by the Public Library same muscles that assist with urinary controlof Science, researchers determined more than also contribute to bowel control.50percentpeople withmultiplesclerosis Just like any muscle in the body, the groupsuffer from some form of bowel and bladder of muscles that make up the pelvic oor areincontinence. These researchers found, positive musclesthatcanshowimprovementsincorrelation between the severity of fatigue and strength, endurance, and coordination. Thisbladder and bowel problems in our surveyed group of muscles aid in bowel and bladderMS population. control as well as organ support. With MS,In an article by Fatemeh Nazari, of Isfahan fatigue is a huge issue that aects a personsNeurosciences Research Center, Isfahan ability to participate in daily activities includingUniversity of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, functional management and control of theirpublished in 2020 in BMC Neurology, the bowel and bladder. Finding a physical therapistprevalence rate of lower urinary tract symptoms who is knowledgeable in both the physicalwas 87.6 percent among all the subjects which limitations and considerations of a personis a substantial percentage. The International with MS as well as experienced in retrainingContinence Society website defines lower and strengthening the pelvic floor musclesurinary tract symptoms as a symptom is crucial for the greatest improvements inrelated to the lower urinary tract. It may originate functional management of bowel and bladderfrom the bladder, urethra, prostate (men) continence. and/or adjacent pelvic oor or pelvic organs, or Whenassessingapersonsbowelandat times be referred from similarly innervated bladder control, it is important to look at thatanatomy e.g. lower ureter. individuals diet, breathing, posture, past medicalmsfocusmagazine.org 40'