b'Constipation is a problem that as many as be a stigmatizing and debilitating problem75-80 percent of people with MS live with. for some. If the signals are severely altered inDiet and physical activity are key to managing the nerve messages to the gut, it is possibleconstipation. The more active we are, the more for the rectum (lower portion of the colon) tothe gut is stimulated to move food through ll and put pressure on the anal sphincterthe gastrointestinal tract and out. Foods high (the muscle that keeps the stool from leaking)in ber are needed to bulk stool and keep it and stool may leak. Generally, this is not inmoving.Personswithconstipationissues the amount of a normal bowel movementshouldaddextrafruitsandvegetablesto but can be something as simple as smearingtheir diets. Dense brous foods such as raw of stool. If you have thoroughly cleaned yourselfvegetables, celery, cabbage, and broccoli are after a bowel movement and the next timeneeded. Sucient water throughout the day you sit on the toilet you wipe and there ishelps to keep stool moist and moving.stool on the paper, you may be dealing withsome stool incontinence. It is often that simpleSomepeoplebenefitfromproducts and small, but can leave an individual feelingthat pull water from your body into the unclean and less willing to engage in normalgastrointestinal tract to keep stool softer and activitieswithothers.Agastroenterologistmoister. Things such as MiraLAX are often may be helpful in managing bowel problemsrecommended. There are products that add that have not responded to these tactics.ber and may be recommended to be taken Bowel and bladder therapists are frequentlywith a full glass of water before meals. Laxatives veryhelpfulincreatinganindividualizedare occasionally needed to empty the bowel treatment plan for persons with issues relatedbut should not be used regularly without the to bowel or bladder retention or overactivityoversightofyourdoctor;theyhavethe thatcanresultinincontinence.ManyMSpotential to remove normal impulses that the comprehensive treatment centers now havebowel has to contract and move things along, these specially trained individuals on sta.instead training the bowel to rely on the Spinal cord injury centers also employ them.irritating factor that laxatives induce. Please ask for a referral if this discussion hassparked thinking towards changes that mayStool incontinence is seen less frequently be possible to improve your quality of life orin people with MS than constipation but can that of someone whom you care for.Order Your Copy of RISE UP AGAINST MSYour Guide to the SIMPLE FUNDRAISER EVENT that everyone can do.SiGn up for a fun balloon challenGe that also helps people with MS.The lonGer your balloon stays up in the air, the more funds Go to peoplewith MS. The proceeds Go to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundations freeproGrams and services to help people live at their best with MS.Call 800-225-649513 msfocusmagazine.org'