b'no committees), I dont give up even when I What advice would you give to others whomyself have bad days. I think to myself there are trying to give back, and what are yourare so many people that need this help and if, future goals?God willing, I can do this, I am! I cannot tell My advice for anyone who would like toyou how grateful I feel when I write out the give back is nothing is too small. Since I livedonation to the MS Focus: the Multiple SclerosisFoundation, and how I hope the people who with MS myself, even though I might not beneed the help the most can and will get it. I able to hold another event this big, I will alwayscan honestly say I feel breaking the 20,000 keep fundraising for this great cause the bestmark is a great goal to reach.I can. Thats my goal.What has worked for you to manaGebladder and bowel symptoms?Jocelyn Menck Mustain First of all, and not surprisingly, talking with all my doctors about this helped,since each doctor had dierent ideas from their own backgrounds, the combination of which has helpedme manage the changing issues for which MS is famous in the 20 years of mild progression since mydiagnosis.Sometimes I get better and sometimes I get worse, so having as many ideas as possible helps me ridethe wave of daily changes to my condition.From my original neurologist, I have found that taking regular amounts of daily fiber through eitherSennokot pills or Beneber powder is a good place to start for managing constipation. I now haveadded a good tasting Senokot gummy on to my daily evening routine. Be careful taking Senna toooften or too much at a time because they are powerful.Another doctor helped me understand bladder management strategies - how various drinks, includingany with soda bubbles (Perrier types) or even small amounts of caeine (black tea in most iced teablends) tickle my urinary tract into losing what control I have. (Many times I try iced tea or sparklingwater again only to nd myself peeing down my legs in the last few steps to the toilet. Man!)27 msfocusmagazine.org'