b'lifestyle modications, medications, physical Similartooxybutynin,solifenacincantherapy, and/or nerve stimulation.also have a variety of adverse eects such asTips for Managing Bladder Problems:headache, confusion, blurred vision, tremors,and dry skin. Both solifenacin and oxybutynin Lifestyle modifications: adequate fluid are known as anticholinergic medications,intake up to a few hours before bedtime, which can have drug interactions with otherbladder training, planned urination times; anticholinergic medications. Some examplesusing and carrying discreet protection, such ofotheranticholinergicmedicationsas pads and stashing a change of clothes, include atropine, dicyclomine, glycopyrrolate,underwear, wipes, paper towels, etc. in easily hyoscyamine,ipratropium(Atrovent),accessible areas. scopolamine,tiotropium(Spiriva),and Intermittent self-catherization: Some diphenhydramine (Benadryl). patients who are having trouble emptying Be sure to provide a list of all prescriptionthe bladder may opt for intermittent self- andover-the-countermedicationstoyourcatherization. Intermittent self-catherization healthcare provider or pharmacist prior toinvolves inserting a small tube (catheter) starting one of these medications, so youinto the urethra to empty the bladder and do not risk experiencing an adverse drugthen the tube is removed. Intermittent self- interaction.catherization may be performed one or more Although bowel and bladder issues can betimes per day to help control bladder leakage, stressful, do not fear. There are many availableurgency and frequency, and nighttime remedies for patients who are experiencingurination in people who cannot completely these problems. Be sure to talk to yourempty their bladder on their own. healthcareprovideraboutalloptionsfor Medications:There are multiple medications management of these symptoms to pick theavailable to help with bladder symptoms. best t for your needs.Be sure to talk to your healthcare providerto pick the medication that is the best t foryour needs. Oxybutynin is one of the most commonlyprescribedmedicationsforbladderissueslinked to MS. This medication helps increasebladdercapacity,decreaseuninhibitedcontractions, and delay desires to void, therefore,decreasing urgency and frequency. Someadverse reactions associated with oxybutynininclude dry mouth, constipation, and dizziness.Mirabegron(Myrbetriq)andsolifenacin(Vesicare)areothermedicationsusedforbladder issues linked to MS. These medicationshelp treat symptoms of urinary frequency,urgency, or urge urinary incontinence. 57 msfocusmagazine.org'