b'MS Focus ActivitiesMS FocusedNMSEAM 2021 Theme AnnouncedMental health is the focus for the upcoming National Multiple Sclerosis Education andAwareness Month (NMSEAM) in March 2021. Are You Okay?: Your feelings matter! is next yearsNationalMultipleSclerosisEducationandAwarenessMonth theme. The important message behind this themeis that mental health is physical health, and it aects thewhole body. This is especially true in MS, where the diseaseitself can cause mental health symptoms. In the nextyear, we will encourage people with MS and the generalpublic to embrace mental health and wellness as being animportant part of their physical health.During March, our teleconference programs and publications will put the focus on mentalhealth and wellness. Some of the topics will include what is normal, recognizing mentalchanges, and when to seek help, and will oer resources for dealing with stress.Make sure to check-in on each other and ask Are you okay? in 2021.Zoom, Zoom, ZoomIn lieu of our regular events across the country, MS Focus will continue to offer itsteleconferences across the Internet on the streaming service Zoom. Please continue to join usin the days ahead as we continue to oer content from world-class experts on multiple sclerosisand related topics.Look for our teleconference email notications to sign up for the events, and for informationon speakers, topics, and times. If you miss, or want to revisit, the teleconferences, you can ndthem on MSFocusRadio.org and available on-demand on our MS Focus SoundCloud page, orour YouTube page.Dont receive the emails? Go to msfocus.org, click Publications, and subscribe to the MSFocus on Programs e-newsletter.Color Street Supports Our ProgramsThe Color Street Foundation made a generous donation of $50,000 dollars to MS Focus, as partof a monthlong campaign that contributed a total of $150,000 divided among three national MSorganizations. The Color Street Foundation is the charitable arm of Color Street, an innovativebeauty brand that oers nail polish in strip form for easy, stylish, at-home manicures. Eachmonth, Color Street supports a dierent charitable cause and helps raise awareness with specialpolish colors and styles. We were delighted to be chosen as one of the organizations to benetfrom their charitable giving and awareness eorts. Thank you, Color Street, for supporting MSFocus and the MS community.msfocusmagazine.org 50'