b'MS Focus ActivitiesHOMECARERespite CareASSISTANCEGRANTfor MSCaregivers By Kimani HendricksIts autumn, a time when red and yellow leaves descend andharmony hangs in the crisp, fresh air. A time when family gathers,expressing love and appreciation for each other. But the gratitudewe express for our loved ones is not conned to the Thanksgivingholiday. Throughout November, we also celebrate National FamilyCaregiver\'s Month, designed to acknowledge the more than 50million people whose selessness acts as a wind in the sails ofthose with physical and mental illnesses.While your immediate circle is an ever- For many caregivers, it is dicult to imaginepresent wellspring of support, sometimes you not tending to their loved one when they havemay need outside sources to lend a helping hand for so long. However, if the caregiver is not atin their absence. At MS Focus, we provide for 100 percent, it aects their loved one. As athe daily and critical needs of those aected caregiverof14yearstomymotherwithby multiple sclerosis with more than twenty Alzheimers, I stress the importance of notprograms and services, one of which is burning out to our clients," says SherrolHomecare Assistance. Individuals who are Patterson, associate director of Homecare andwaiting for long-term care approval or who Patient Assistance Programs. "I always encourageonly need occasional short-term services benet them to take the maximum amount of timefromthisprogram.Amongthehomecare, we can give them away. Once youve watchedtherapy visits, and coming home assistance for the outside help care for your relative orpatients, caregivers benet from this program companion, do you trust them enough to leavethrough respite care services.the premises? For instance, join a friend forMany relatives or caregivers actually enjoy lunch, go to a salon or grocery store, takeproviding care to their loved ones. Still, some- a walk, etc. In speaking to agencies, wetimes the physical, emotional, and nancial emphasize the necessity for sending responsibleconsequences can be overwhelming without caregivers so that the family caregiver is at easesome support, such as the respite care we when they are away. The purpose of respiteprovide, said Glenda Gordon, lead coordinator care is for the caregiver to regain strength soorMSFocusHomecareandEmergency theycanproceedincaringfortheirlovedAssistance Grants.ones upon returning."msfocusmagazine.org 44'