b'Life with MSHHoowwttooQQuuaalliiffyyffoorrSSoocciiaallSSeeccuurriittyyDDiissaabbiilliittyyBBeenneettsswwiitthhMMSSBy Cendy MoliereIf you have been diagnosed with MS and Medical documentation is a very importantyou cant work because of the symptoms you part of ling a successful claim. You will needhave, you can le a claim for Social Security to provide detailed medical records and testdisability benets. Disability benets can be results that document your changing conditionused to pay for living expenses when you and the progression of the MS. If youre not surecant work. As long as you have had a job and what medical evidence you should include askpaid taxes in the past and you expect you wont your doctor what evidence they recommendbe able to work for at least a year because of you submit. If you dont have enough medicalthe symptoms of MS, you can le a claim for evidence to prove your claim meets thedisability benets. requirements in the Blue Book, you can stillMeeddiiccaallllyy qualifying for disability qualify for disability benets with a MedicalbeenneettssbbeeccaauusseeooffMMSS Vocational Allowance.Before your claim can be approved you will Medical Vocational Allowance have to provide proof that you meet the Social The Social Security Administration createdSecurityAdministrationsrequirementsfor an exception to allow people who dont meetdisability benets because of MS. The Blue the Blue Book requirements to still qualify forBook requirements for MS are listed in section disability benets. To get a Medical Vocational11:09 under Central Nervous System Disorders. Allowance you will need your doctor to ll outYou may be able to qualify for disability benets a Residual Functional Capacity evaluation.based on the Blue Book listings for: This evaluation allows your doctor to describe Vision loss or impairment your symptoms and how they limit yourability to function in great detail. Submit the Mental limitations involving behavioral and RFC evaluation with your medical evidencepsychological abnormalities or mental when you submit your claim. The SSA willdisorders associated with MS look at your work history, your age, and what Persistent motor function disorganization, thedoctor wroteintheRFCtoevaluateifsuch as paralysis or paresis, ataxia, tremor, there is any type of work that you can still do.and sensory disturbances that may occur in If they nd there isnt any work you can do,dierent combinations then you will be eligible to receive disabilitybenets.Severemotorfunctionfatiguewith File a claimconsiderable muscle weakness especiallywhen performing repetitive activities. Filing a claim for disability benets canmsfocusmagazine.org 52'