b"Special Needs Group launches oer to support MS FocusThe Special Needs Group has launched a special oer in support of MS Focus: the MultipleSclerosis Foundation. The organization will donate 10 percent to MS Focus for every SoothieCushion they sell. The organization is a cause-related corporate partner that has worked withMS Focus in its annual cruise. This new, ongoing initiative was launched in July.Special Needs Groups Soothie Cushion oers hot or cold back support on the go, at home,or at work. It straps to your chair and your body. To order, visit www.specialneedsgroup.com, orcall 800-513-4515. Use the code MSFocus.Since its inception in 2007, the Special Needs Group has served the needs of more than ahalf-million men, women, and children. It provides a broad range of special needs equipmentincluding wheelchair, power chair and scooter rentals, oxygen units and oxygen rentals, audioand visual aide rentals, baby crib rentals, and other essential items. Rental equipment isdelivered directly to the cruise state room, the hotel, resort, theme park or convention center.Any company seeking to support MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation throughcause-marketing should contact Director of Philanthropy Traci Shur at 786-213-0003 or emailtracishur@msfocus.org.MS Focus at Sea cancelledSadly, MS Focus will be cancelling their educational program on the Celebrity Apex departingFeb. 6, 2021. Celebrity Cruise lines has not, as of now, cancelled the cruise. MS Focus feels, after consultation with our travel advisors, that the uncertainty as todistribution of a vaccine before the cruise departs and the likelihood that we would not be ableto hold a group meeting in the conference room, due to social distancing, precludes us fromoffering our educational program on the Apex.Contacting Us - an UpdateWhile most of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation sta are still working remotely, we haveupdated our phone system and procedures to better serve you. Program Services sta are nowaccessible via our National Toll-Free Helpline during our regular oce hours ve days a week.If you do happen to connect to voicemail, all lines are busy with other clients. Please leave amessage and your call will be returned. And don't forget, you can always reach us via email.Here are a few handy addresses:Helpline: support@msfocus.orgHomecare: homecare@msfocus.orgSupport Groups: supportgroups@msfocus.org.51 msfocusmagazine.org"