b'Medicine & ResearchRX Update Bowel and BladderSymptoms in MSMultiple solutions exist tomanage common problemsBy Ellen Whipple, Pharm.D. andOlivia MacArthur, Pharm.D. candidateMultiple sclerosis is a multifaceted disease found in fruits and vegetables, whole grainthat can manifest in a variety of symptoms. breads and cereals, as well as dietary berSome of the more common symptoms patients supplements.may experience include: fatigue, walkingPhysical activity: Proper physical activitydifficulties, numbness, tingling, spasticity, helpsregulatethedigestivesystemandweakness, vision problems, dizziness, vertigo, prevent constipation.bladder and bowel problems, sexual dysfunction,Discuss over-the-counterstoolsofteners,pain, itching, cognitive changes, emotional bulk forming supplements, enemas, andchanges, and depression. We will focus suppositories with your healthcare providerspecically on bowel and bladder problems, to make sure these are a good t for you.how these symptoms present, and specic waysto manage them. If you or a family member Constipation can lead patients to usewithMSisconcernedaboutanyofyour laxatives, which can occasionally lead tosymptoms, reach out to your MS healthcare diarrhea if overused. It is important to discussprovider for further guidance. laxative use with your healthcare providerConstipation, diarrhea, and loss of bowel prior to purchasing any of these medications.control are among the most common bowel Patients may also experience diarrhea asproblems people with MS experience. Causes a side effect of having MS. Diarrhea is lessof constipation can include inadequate uid of a problem for individuals with MS thanintake,limitedphysicalactivity,slowed constipation, however it can be bothersomemovementoffoodthroughthedigestive for those who experience this symptom. Be suretract, and side eects of certain medications.to discuss any over-the-counter antidiarrhealmedications, such as loperamide (Imodium),Tips for Managing Constipation:with your healthcare provider prior to use. Adequate hydration: Consume at least six Bladder problems can be stressful,to eight glasses of water daily. embarrassing, and challenging for patients to Increased ber intake: Fiber helps move deal with. Fortunately, most bladder symptomsfood through the digestive tract. It can be canbeeectivelymanagedwithvariousmsfocusmagazine.org 56'