b"Symptom ManaGementTTrraacckkiinnggYYoouurrUUrriinnaarryyaannddDDiiggeessttiivveeHHeeaalltthhwwiitthhSSiimmpplleeAAppppssBy Joanne FortunatoOne of the one the most unpleasant IBS or Crohn's will yield results that can beissues with MS is keeping your digestive and useful. Talking about bowel movements inurinary systems functioning well. Keeping clinical terms is not easy. The Bristol stoolaccuratedatatosharewithyourhealth scale is a tool clinicians use to classify stool.professionals is dicult, and uncomfortable Searching for apps that use this scale is veryto talk about. As they say, there is an app for helpful. These apps will have a visual componentthat!tied to the Bristol scale. This makes it muchNutrition and weight are a major component easier when discussing your symptoms. of health, especially your digestive system Because this app will most likely be only aand keeping track of what you put into your part of the data you are tracking, the simplerbody helps to understand what comes out. the better. All you really need is date, time,Tracking your sleep and exercise is also andnumberontheBristolscaleofyourimportant. It is recommended that you consider bowel function. Apps that can accomplishusing a comprehensive health-tracking app. this are free and easy to use. If you can ndHowever, comprehensive health apps do onethatwillintegratewithyouroverallnottypicallyhaveawaytotrackdetailed health data tracking app that would be verybowel and bladder function information and useful. But be wary of cost and subscriptionsthis data can be very helpful when considering on apps that can accomplish this. your overall health. Taking care of gut healthis recognized as a very important part of staying The following apps are good examples ofhealthy. The reason for recommending apps simple bowel movement tracking apps. Youto track bowel and bladder functions specically will need to experiment and search to ndis because of the nature of discussing and one that will meet your needs. Keep in minddealing with such debilitating symptoms that it would be best to nd one that will integrateplague MS patients.into your overall health tracking app. Most ofElimination the apps listed can be upgraded for a fee.Because bowel dysfunction is just one of Pcal: Apple. Easy-to-use free appmany common MS symptoms, searching for with good visuals. Keep track dailyan app for specic digestive diseases such as of the color and consistency.msfocusmagazine.org 18"