b'I The Eects of MS on the Urinary Bladder 8A guide to symptom management.Bowel and Bladder Issues with MS 12N A look at some of the causes of these conditions 14and methods to manage them.Stamping Out StigmaBladder and bowel symptoms not a cause for shame.How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections in MS 16T With a few habits, you can reduce the risk of infection. 18Tracking Your Urinary and Digestive Health with Simple apps H Helpful apps to aid in keeping accurate data to share with 20your health professionals.Safe CatheterizationI Meeting the challenges to reduce the risk of UTIs. 23Gifts that Give BackConsider buying from these partners to give back to MS Focus.S Advice from an Aging MSer 24Advice on how to live your best life.MS and the Flu Shot 25Studies suggest the u shot is safe for people living with MS.Caregivers Night Out 36I Read the winning entries in our annual contest. 40 Physical Therapists Can Help in Bladder, Bowel ProblemsFinding a PT experienced in retraining pelvic oor muscles is crucial.S Respite Care for MS Caregivers 44 Learn about what MS Focus has tohelp caregivers. How to Qualify for Social Security Disability 52S Benets with MSHelpful information if you have been diagnosed with MSand you cant work because of your symptoms.U My Story 48Our Focus 6Inbox7 MS Focused 50E Giving Back 26 Doctors Notes 54Spotlight 28 RX Update 56Read. Watch. Listen. 35 Fatigue-Free Foodie 58Takeaways 42Empowered 46 Play on Words 593 msfocusmagazine.org'