b'Myth 1: Loss of bladder or bowel control only based on how much they have taken thehappenswhenyouareoldandin stigma and taboos to heart themselves.failing health. But its worth breaking down those barriersFact: As mentioned at the beginning of this so you have open communication andarticle, a large percentage of the total the support you need to manage thesepopulation will experience bladder and tricky symptoms. bowel symptoms. These individuals are Real talk about bladderall across the age spectrumyoung, old, and bowel issuesand particularly in middle adulthood.Most of them will be mobile and not in Letskeepitreal:bladderandbowelparticularly poor health. symptoms have a higher chance of leadingWhatever your age, whatever your health toanembarrassingmomentthansomecondition, if you are experiencing bladder other MS symptoms. But that doesnt meanand bowel symptoms, you are not alone. you should feel ashamed. You didnt ask forThere are others out there going through MS, and you cant control what symptoms itthe same thing. throws your way. All you can do is handleMyth 2: Losing control of your bladder or bowel those symptoms with grace. Thats going tois a step backward in your maturity be easier to do if you have discussed theseand independence. problems with your doctor and your lovedones. Break down that stigma and get theFact: You may not always be able to control support you need.your bladder or bowel function, but youcancontrolhowyoumanagethesesymptoms.Seekingtreatmentisthemostmatureandindependentthingyou can do in the situation. It is how youtake back your power.Myth 3: Its not okay to talk about these things!Fact: You tell your doctor if your nose isrunning or if your eyes are watering. T-ShirtsSweatshirtsWhy cant you tell your doctor if your BearsCooling ItemsJewelrybladder or bowel is leaking? The bladder Orange Ribbon Awareness Itemsandbowel,justlikeanyotherbody Car Magnets and so much more.parts,areaectedbyandcanaect See our online catalog at:your overall health. Your doctor wants to www.themsshoppe.comknow and wont nd the subject gross, (920) 238-5138taboo, or o-limits.info@themsshoppe.comWhat about your family or care partner?You may nd that a harder discussion A portion of all proceeds goes to the MSF15 msfocusmagazine.org'