b'Symptom ManaGementself-catheterization away from home on your suppliesyoumaywanttopackincludearst go. It may be helpful to have a couple of small plastic trash bag to place all your trashpractice runs before you even begin inserting in after completing an IC and antibacterialthe catheter. This will ensure you have all the hand wipestomakesure youarestayingnecessary supplies and the ideal setup for you. clean and avoiding infections. As previously discussed, positioning is key to There can be many barriers for completingbeing successful at self-catheterization wherever intermittent catheterization both in the homeyou are completing the IC. To start, try completing and the community, but adaptive strategiesan IC in bed with your upper body supported and equipment can assist with helping youagainst a surface to make the process easier tobesuccessful.Herearesomecommonfor your rst couple tries. This will allow you problems and equipment that may help: to not only get into a position with your legsresting open, but will also give you ample Problem Solutionsurface to set all of your supplies on. If you Diculty getting the pants clip or bungeeare still having diculty reaching the neces- pants pulled down to cordsary areas, try scooting your hips forward so access the necessarythat you are slouching or sitting on your tail- areas when in abone. Once you have mastered the bed, try wheelchairsitting. This can be in a wheelchair or on the Diculty locating the bendable clamp ontoilet, depending on what is most appropri- urethral opening to mirror to be attachedate for you. If sitting in a wheelchair, try to insert the catheteronto a chair, grab bar, prop one leg on the outside of the frame of etc. your chair to allow for better positioning. Diculty maintaining labia spreader, thighthe legs in an open spreader, dental cheek A position to insert the and lip retractorAddaappttiivveessttrraatteeggiieessOnce you have successfully completed an catheterIC in the comfort of your home, its time to If you are still having diculty completinghead out into the community. When heading the self-catherization, reach out to your localout to work or other places you visit, plan occupational therapist. He or she can helpahead. What space will you have available? problem solve your specic barriers to ndWhat supplies do you need? Try making a the right equipment and strategies for you totravel IC bag to ensure that you will always be successful. Managing your bladder can behave the necessary bladder supplies when dicult, but with the right tools and strategies,heading out. Make sure you have a couple extra this challenge can be overcome and improvecatheters and all the necessary attachments. your quality of life. Some catheters are prelubricated and havethe bag already attached whereas others will T ell us what you want to see inneed to be lubricated and drained into either MS Focus Magazine.an attached bag or the toilet. It may be a good Email comments to: editor@msfocus.orgidea to bring an extra change of clothes and or write to: Editor, MS Focus,towels as you are getting more comfortable 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309completing an IC away from home. Othermsfocusmagazine.org 22'