b'Life with MSOOllddSSoocckkBBllooggBy Doug AnkermanCramps McDribble isnt a Google password. This dribble is on meNor is it a screen name on Instagram. Lets begin with the bladder. Mine can be aYou see, Cramps McDribble is what I call loose cannon, ring warning shots (dribbles),myself in the bathroom. Who am I? that remind me Id better get to the bathroomIm Doug, a long-time MSer (1996) and quickly (with MS, easier said than done)frequent suerer of bladder and bowel issues.before all heck breaks out.And this is my story. During waking hours, the urges to go areeasier to manage. But at night, sleepy-timeI was rst oended when asked by MS Focus oers more challenges as I frequently dribbletosharemyexperienceofsuchpersonal myself on the way to the potty.matters. But later, being full of it, I gained During one middle-of-the-night trek, I didntcondence that I, and only I, could make a make it.As I entered the bathroom doorway,touchy subject even touchier. the oodgates opened. It gushed down myMS has graced me with the usual smorgasbord legs, spilling onto the oor.of symptoms such as numbness, spasticity, This is where I learned urine and linoleumdepression, and foot drop. However, bladder = disaster. The combination of the two createdand bowel problems are what I cherish most. a frictionless surface so slick NASA physicistsIn fact, they mean so much to me, I carry would marvel with envy.As I removed mytheir pictures in my soaked undies, I fell into the puddle of peewallet.that became an adult slip-n-slide as I nakedly(Sorry family, you kicked and ailed. Making matters worse, thehave been replaced stress caused my legs to stien like lumberwith photos of the from Home Depot.I continued to ip and roll inexcretory system.) a feeble attempt to stand. Exhausted, defeatedand soggy, I caved and called out for help. Mymsfocusmagazine.org 48'