b"wifeandsonassistedmetomyfeetand Ibecametheirnumberonecustomer.cleaned up the mess.I was grateful yet deeply Make that number two.embarrassed by the whole situation. Nothappywithmyresults,itwasI realized at that point I needed a plan suggested I drink more water. Lots and lots ofa pee-plan to manage my problem. Maybe water.Itooktheadvice,drinkingwaterwear diapers? Or keep an auto-john next to swilling waterwhenever possible. And itthe bed? I decided on a routine. Scheduled worked. My constipation eased. No cramping.bathroom breaks throughout the day, evening, No pushing. I began going with regularityand right before bedtime. Perfectly executed, simply by drinking water. It was a miracle. II would only need to get up once during the was thankful and pleased to return the pantsnight.And so far, my time management system to motherhood.has fared well. Keeping my legs crossedImeant, ngers. My point in all of this nonsense is that myId like to buy a bowel, Pat MS (and hopefully, yours) can be managedThrough the years Ive had trouble on the through common sense along with plenty ofother end as well. dull, boring, essential routine.Early in my MS journey, my bowel problem MS is a tenacious bugger, never letting up.was having absolutely no control. When I had So, you must ght it daily, like clockwork,to go, get out of my way, I had to go! Two recent with determination and a regimen of care,issues involved gut-crushing, cramping meds,goodfood,movement,stretching,constipation. My belly, hard, and distended, I sleep, positive thought, and lots and lots ofconsidered buying maternity pants from water. MS never gives in, so neither shouldMotherhood. you.I gave laxatives a try. First using Thats my MS Story. And who am I again?the powdered stu every morningto a no-go situation. (Pardon the JustaguybetterknownasCrampspun). Then, laxatives in pill form. McDribble.What has worked for you to manaGebladder and bowel symptoms?Jocelyn Menck Mustain: I have used various pads and diapers over the years - Poise is my currentfavorite to keep on hand for emergencies (it has the best variety of sizes) and ts well in any of myunderwear.Lorrie Morris: Self-cath'ing helps to keep the pressure off my bladder and I always use pads. Ikeep a variety of products on hand to meet the occasion and if going out for the day, wearing aDepend or similar helps with my confidence. On occasion, I keep a supply of Causticum on handto help calm the frequency. I take magnesium malate since I read 90 percent of the populationis deficient, and it orchestrates the chemical reactions in the body.49 msfocusmagazine.org"