b'Symptom ManaGementHHoowwttooAAvvooiiddUUrriinnaarryyTTrraaccttI nffeeccttiioonnssiinnMMSSInWith a few habits, you canreduce the risk of infection.By Kimani HendricksWhile some conditions aect one gender or appear. "UTIs can cause pseudo-exacerba-the other, urinary tract infections are not one tionsorpseudo-relapses,soworseningofof them. It can develop anywhere within the neurological function that\'s not due to a newurinary system: the bladder, ureters, kidneys, lesion, but due to an infection. Bear in mind,and urethra. Women are more at risk, as 40 any infection can do that," Dr. Thrower said.percent will have at least one in their lifetime, Moreover, if the bladder doesnt empty, thewhereas only 12 percent of men will develop urine can cause backow and enter the kidneys,theinfection.Thefemaleanatomyhasa damaging them. Common signs of UTIs cansmaller urethra nearer to the anus, making it be fever; pain or pressure in the lowerpossible for anal bacteria to travel inside. In abdomen; bloody, cloudy, foul-smelling urine;dealing with bladder and bowel dysfunction discomfort or burning; and producing smallinmultiplesclerosis,thenumbersincline quantities of urine. rapidly.The sooner UTIs get treated, the better.Between 70 and 90 percent of people living However, by forming a few habits, you canwith MS will get UTIs. According to Dr. Ben reduce the risk. For starters, what are youThrower, of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute drinking? Though many of us go without itat Shepherd Center, An underactive bladder until our tongues turn to deserts, wateris parallel to an overowing water glass. You consumption flushes bacteria from thecan also have a sphincter dyssynergia, or a urinarytract,preventinginfection.Oddlyvalve that\'s not opening well. Surprisingly, enough, some with MS report their regularityyou can still have frequency, urgency, and andurgencysloweddownafterdrinkingspasm, but it does not do an adequate job of plenty of water. emptying the urine. Because it sits there and In using the restroom, wipe from front tobacteria grows, a common side effect is a back when done. This keeps anal bacteriaurinary tract infection. from spreading to the urethra. Keep a changeA UTI occurs when bacteria attach to the of undergarments, pads, and wipes handy inbladder wall, and once it binds, urinating the event of accidents! Women should drainthat bacteria isn\'t possible. Furthermore, MS their bladders after intercourse, as men alsosymptoms can also are up when infections transmitbacteriaintheprocess.Storingmsfocusmagazine.org 16'