b'MMSSaannddtthheeFFlluuSShhoottBy Matt Cavallo, MPHThis cold and u season has the potential people living with multiple sclerosis receive ato be dierent than any other because of the u shot each year unless they have a specicpresence of COVID-19. While we know there reason for why they cannot get it. However,canbedierences,accordingtotheCDC, the AAN recommends against FluMist, whichthere are also some similarities between is an inhaled vaccine, because it contains ainuenza and COVID-19. Both are contagious live virus and because of risks that can bevirusesthataecttherespiratorysystem. associated with certain MS treatments. ThisBoth can cause fever, coughing, aches and makes it a good idea to check in with yourpains, among other symptoms. Both can also neurologist if you prefer the nasal mist overlead to hospitalizations and death. One stark the injectable u vaccine.dierence is that there is a yearly vaccine There are many myths surrounding the uavailable today for the u. vaccine. There are recent studies that showThe similarities between the initial symptoms the flu vaccine reduces risk of the flu fromof u and COVID-19 are a cause for concern. 40 to 60 percent. In a year where there is aIt is not a stretch to think that as u season potentially bigger risk because of COVID-19,arrives, primary care physicians are going to getting a u shot for people living with MSbe inundated with people who have u-like makes a lot of sense. You may think dierentlysymptoms.and thats okay. I would, however, urge you toAs a person living with multiple sclerosis check in with your neurologist or PCP to seeon an immune-modulating MS treatment, I if they recommend that you get a u shot. really dont want to visit my doctor right now Living with MS is uncertain. The COVID-19if I can avoid it, because I am afraid of being reality adds even more uncertainty. Studiesexposed. Not that the doctors oce wouldnt suggest that the u shot is safe for people livingbe clean, but there is always the possibility of a withMS.Giveyourselfashotatstayingvirus in the air from all the people with u-like healthy this cold and u season.symptoms coming and going. In this cold andu season, an ounce of prevention is worth apound of cure. That is why I am going to begetting my u shot early. I want to make surethat I take every precaution I can to preventthe u. While there are varying opinions on theecacy of the u vaccine, the CDC recommendsthat everyone older than six months of agereceive a u vaccine. Furthermore, the AmericanAcademy of Neurology recommends that all25 msfocusmagazine.org'