b"Rhonda of Troy, Mich., heard of MS Focus by chance and foundrelief in more ways than one. My son lives with relapsing-remittingmultiple sclerosis. Though it isnt often, sometimes his symptoms areso severe that he cannot do anything for himself and I must do every-thing for him. Eventually, it burned me out. One day while watchingtelevision, I saw mention of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation andcalled to inquire about their respite services through the HomecareAssistance Program. I needed a break to get away or just have downtime and know that my son would still get proper care.In the beginning, I was uncomfortable, as I am slow to trust peo-ple I dont know. Though dicult, I knew it was imperative to get out-side help because I was so exhausted. MS Focus was more than willingto help and the experience was wonderful. I received twelve weeks of service, one day a week. Iwas pleased with the two caregivers and recall them being kind, extremely professional, andwilling to go above and beyond for my son. Outside of respite and homecare, I received prompt assistance from MS Focus each time Icontacted them. I would recommend their services to anyone that needs it, as they proved to bea lifesaver to me. If you get stressed out and no one else is around to care for your loved one,think about who will be there for them if you arent, or God forbid, if something happens to you.Respite care isnt an optionits a necessity. Do not give up, nor should you be afraid to ask forhelp; just know that there are people out there who care.For more information on Homecare Assistance or any other programs and services, pleasevisit msfocus.org or call our toll free number, 888-673-6287.What has worked for you to manaGebladder and bowel symptoms?Becky Oren Raw pumpkin seeds for overactive bladder. Nancy Day I seem to have solved my constipation problem. No more daily string cheese and a dailyprune. (In the raisin aisle, individually wrapped - called Ones.) Jody Isaac I'm working with a urologist on my bladder issue. I haven't had a 'follow-up' with him yet,since my last testing they did on my bladder.It's embarrassing that I keep peeing on myself!My bowel issue, I just keep a supply of Miralax on hand. 45 msfocusmagazine.org"