b"wipes nearby will suce if you don't have to chemical compounds called proanthocyanidins,goimmediately;otherwise,waterisyour which inhibits bacteria from adhering to thefriend. Not all bacteria are harmful, but birth bladder wall. E. coli can stick to your bladdercontrol methods with spermicide and feminine from two surfaces: p-pili and type one pili.products often eliminate the good bacteria PACsattackthep-pili;thebestdosageofour bodies need to combat germs or aggravate PACs ranges between 36 and 72 milligramsthe urethra.per day, says Dr. Thrower. Asatreatment,patientsgetprescribed Several cranberry extracts are available.various antibiotics depending on the severity However, not all are produced the same. Thoseof their infection and overall health. But there highly recommended among doctors are Utiva,is a supplement that may help in preventing Cranberex,Ellura,andTheracran.WhileUTIs. According to Dr. Thrower, D-Mannose, these options are pricy, they can prove usefulan unabsorbed sugar, prevents e. coli from for individuals that frequently get UTIs andclinging to your bladder wall. E. coli is a bacteria exacerbatedsymptomsthatleadthemtothat causes UTIs. A study of 308 women with emergency rooms. Still, there is reason for somerecurring urinary tract infections received two caution with cranberry usage. Dr. Thrower said,grams of D-Mannose daily. It proved more Some of these products do contain salicyliceective than those put on a daily antibiotic. acid, so if you're allergic to aspirin, you couldAdditionally, there are nearly no side-eects negatively react to these cranberry products.in using D-Mannose, and it is an over-the- They also include oxalates, which can increasecounter treatment.the risk of kidney stones. Talk to your doctorWhile few studies imply cranberry juice about these and other strategies to preventprevents UTIs, cranberries themselves contain and control recurrent UTIs.What has worked for you to manaGebladder and bowel symptoms?Jennifer Harris Michel: I think my bladder issues were my rst sign of MS. I have lost sensation to goon my own. I now use a self-catheter at least once a day to completely empty my bladder to reduceUTIs. Bowel movements have now become an issue as my sensations in that area are also fading. I takestool softeners to keep from getting too constipated, but I struggle at times. I try to eat ber-rich foodsa couple times a week. Staying in tune with what your body tells you is my best advice.Debra Cardosi: I have a very slow stream and worry that I won't empty my bladder completely,and end up with a UTI. I have been drinking a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water, and honeyfor other reasons, but find that it does help flush out the system. I get one or two easy pees. I havealso started taking a muscle relaxer for spasticity, and find that it also makes it easier to urinate.Shannon Dotson: For myself, timed bathroom trips have helped enormously. Every two hours andit seems my bladder may have calmed down. 17 msfocusmagazine.org"