b'MS Focus ActivitiesDamianWashingtonDamian Washington is in high demand. Duringthediagnosisprocess,DamianAside from hosting and producing his own found himself laid up for almost two weekspopular MS vlog, he has been tapped to because of complications from a spinal tap.participate in projects and committees for A friend suggested he try vlogging as a way toseveral national MS nonprots and serve on pass the time. At rst, I was just talking aboutadvisory panels for various pharmaceutical anything that interested me, trips I was takingcompanies. Why is Damian such a hot with Angela, or just documenting my day.commodity? His honesty, humor, and warmth Nobody was watching, Damian recalls. Butll everything he touches with charm and when I started to talk about my MS experience,make listening to a discussion about MS just people started to pay attention.that little bit easier. A working actor, many people tell Damian Why were his MS vlogs such a success?he looks familiar when they rst meet him; Damian thinks its all about his energy. Imhe is a memorable face from his many TV an intense guy, making dynamic content. Imcommercials,forclientslikeMcDonalds, in front of the camera all day long, makingFruit of the Loom, and the NFL, or from online something out of nothing, just documentingvideos on Cracked and Buzzfeed. my day. He also makes a special eort to beopen about how MS aects his life, and shareWhen he moved to LA eight years agohis ups and downs. In my vlogs, I try dierentaccompanied by Angela, his wife of eight years things and viewers are watching that trialandpartnerof20Damiandidntknow and error and watching the whole journey.what life had in store for him. Four years intotheir new West Coast life, Angela noticed Damians positive energy and determinationhe wasnt acting quite like himself. I felt to maintain his quality of life with MS makeextraordinarily fatigued, tripping and falling a real impression. Kasey Minnis, Director ofmore often. Things just werent the same, and Communications for MS Focus, rst met Damiangetting worse. It took time and patience, but a year ago at an MS program. Damian askedeventually Damian got a diagnosis: MS.to interview me for his vlog, Minnis said,msfocusmagazine.org 28'