b"ContributorsCherie Binns has been a registered nurse since 1973. In 1994 she was diagnosedwith MS, and received the MSCN certification nine years later. For the past 15years, Cherie has operated a home-based patient advocacy business helpingpeople identify the questions to be asked of their healthcare team. She servesas a member of the MS Lived Experience Advisory Panel for MS Focus, andvolunteers as administrator for the organization's two Facebook groups.Matt Cavallo is a patient experience speaker, author, and podcaster who motivatesaudiences worldwide with his personal patient experience and genuinestorytelling style. Matt has been named among the Top 10 Social HealthMakersby WCG and his blog was selected as one of Healthlines Top Multiple SclerosisBlogs. Matt is a regular contributor to msfocusmagazine.org.Joanne Fortunato is a retired computer technology teacher in Venice, Fla.Diagnosed in 2006, she uses technology to cope with the many diculties thatMS can present. She is a frequent contributor to MS Focus Magazine, using hertechnology education background to help others with MS. Contact Joanne atjfortunato1012@yahoo.com. Monica Major-Harris is a board certied family nurse practitioner at St. VincentsMedical Center Southside in Jacksonville, Fla., with more than 12 years ofexperience. She graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicinein 2008 and specializes in womens health and in female pelvic oor medicineand reconstructive surgery.Catherine Williams Kramer works as a physical therapist at the Shepherd Centerin Atlanta, and a pelvic floor specialist at Women First Rehabilitation in Woodstock,Ga. Her passion to help people more effectively manage their bowel and bladdercontinence began very early in her career when she realized that a persons abilityto participate in life outside their home was greatly influenced by the degree inwhich they had control over their bowel and bladder programs.Cendy Moliere is an outreach specialist with Disability Benefits Center, anorganization designed to inform people on how to navigate the confusingprocess of applying for Social Security Disability benets. The organizationhelps individuals who are seeking to apply for Social Security Disability benetsor have been denied after applying for Social Security disability. Your name: MS Focus accepts submissions from voluntary contributorswho have MS or work with the MS community in a professional capacity. Sendinquires or submissions to: editor@msfocus.org.msfocusmagazine.org 4"