b"his attitude is steady and always encouraging. I have been homebound since March, whichmeans so has he. Rick turned 70 years old on March 17. In September, we celebrated our 30thwedding anniversary. It seems so many milestones are being bypassed because of COVID aswell as MS. He always has to put my health rst before any considerationand he does, withoutthought. It's just become who he is and what his life has become. Putting me rst, always. Forthat, I am forever grateful.Houston BrownTifton, Ga.I am a survivor. As a survivor, I chose a long time ago that multiplesclerosis would not dene me. Instead, through this illness I foundan inner strength with the unending help of God and my lovingwife Anita. My journey began 48 years ago. Little did I know asmile from across a church pew from the prettiest Southern girlI'd ever seen would change my life forever. She and I soon marriedon a fall sunny day in South Georgia. We vowed to love each otherfor better or worse, richer or poorer, and in sickness and in healthuntil death do us part. Being so young, I didn't realize then howreal those words would become to us, as I do now. I was diagnosedabout 28 years ago. A disease I didn't know anything about. When God was creating my journey,my path in life, he knew I would need someone to help me face this challenge. Someone toencourage me when I wanted to give up. Someone to say it's okay. Someone to lean on whentimes get rough. Someone that just understands. Someone that I know will be there in thefuture as dierent circumstances evolve. And even someone to say Honey, what were youthinking? God sent me a caregiver created and designed especially for me, my Angel Anita.John Husar, Jr.Lincoln Park, Mich.I want to tell you about my father who cares for me. I havesecondary progressive MS and am suering.My father does everything for me without even a complaint.Because it is hard for me to even walk, he helps me in thebathroom, grooms me, cooks, cleans, cuts my hair, and everythingelse.I always wanted to do something nice for him but cannot aordit. When I saw the application in the MS Focus Magazine, it was atrue Godsend.37 msfocusmagazine.org"