b'take some time, and if your symptoms of MS appointment at your local SSA oce. Bringare getting worse, time is the enemy. Dont all of your medical documentation, and yourwait to file your claim for Social Security RFC if you have one, and a sta member willdisability benets if you believe you qualify. help you organize and submit your claim andYou can file a claim online or make an evidence. ResourcesBlue Book Listing for Multiple Sclerosis:www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/11.00-Neurological Adult.htm#11_09 How to Apply:www.disabilitybenetscenter.org/blog/how-to-apply-social-security-benets Local SSA Oce:www.disabilitybenetscenter.org/state-social-security-disability53 msfocusmagazine.org'